Most, not all, but most of the people I have counseled regarding an affair in their marriage did not really plan to do so. They got caught up in a series of temptations, opportunity, and preceived needs that led to their messing up! Obviously their relationship with the Lord was not great!
So, here is just one more thing that I would ask every guy (and girl) to ask themselves and answer now - before an affair ever becomes a temptation.
After the big love-making session takes place - the big make out moment - you know - the sex - after that - what's next?
That's it - one question - "what's next?" Because after the forbidden fruit has been enjoyed, what is left for this illicit relationship? More sex! Maybe! But here are some things to consider when answering "what's next?"
Will you be ready to leave your wife? your husband?
Will you be ready to take on some new kids?
Will you be ready to tell your kids about your "indiscretion?"
Will you be ready to lose a whole bunch of friends?
Will you be ready for divorce court, settlement of properties etc.?
My guess - most people enter into affairs without after considering the "what's next?" question!
After the moment of sexual bliss (oh please) there will really not be much left! Relationships created in dishonesty don't usually do very well - and you will have encountered the displeasure of God on top of all that.
"What's next?" I think it is a valuable, valid, and preventive kind of question to ask!
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