For most people, the "darkest hours" of their lives are usually related to death! Sometimes it might be connected to extreme traumas or heinous crimes, but for most folks, a death - especially an unexpected death puts them in a "dark hour" for a bit!
Death is predictable! Maybe not by day, month or year - but we will all die! Yet, somehow when death comes to those around us, we seem to be "taken back" by it - even surprised! Jesus began teaching his disciples quite a while before his death that He would be given over to those who hated Him, that He would suffer, then die, and then be raised up again. Yet, his disciples seemed totally shocked and surprised that it could and did happen.
The time was for them "a dark hour!" When Christ died upon the cross, I suppose the reality of it hit home - and one would have to think that they remembered at least in part that Jesus had said He would die. Yet, they obviously did not remember or understand all that He said because they did not anticipate his resurrection.
I identify with them! Though they had been taught enough that they could have taken chairs to the tomb to await the resurrection of the Lord, they instead hunkered down in defeat and sorrow. We too have been taught enough by the Lord and His word to know that even in death, we are not defeated. He has overcome death and sin. Yet, we approach death as the darkest of hours! It is admittedly hard not to do this!
On this Good Friday, we observe the sacrifice on the cross. It is somber! It was for many a "dark hour!" Praise the Lord that we have had confirmed for us what the disciples had been taught beforehand. Jesus would suffer, bleed and die! But Sunday is coming!
I used to wonder why preachers didn't go into more detail about what Christ went thru when they tortured him and finally hung him on the cross. It had to have been so horrific that we couldn't imagine the suffering. But now I am just so happy and greatful for the resurrection. I have come to realize that what he went thru was horrible, but when he rose that was the goal of it all.
Thank you Jesus for all that you have done for me. I didn't (and still don't) deserve it.
Posted by: Johnny Goff | April 07, 2012 at 09:40 PM