In preparation for one of the points of today's Sunday morning message, I was reading in the book of Colossians! It is very much a book about Christ! The more I read it, the more I realized how much Christ is missing - missing from the church - missing from our homes - missing from our marriages - missing from our choices - missing from our activities!
Now, I know He is not literally "missing!" He is everywhere - whether or not I acknowledge Him! But we do a very good job of ignoring Him! Sometimes, even when we are thinking of serving Him, we think of Him in the wrong way!
At many times - and even recent times - I have reflected on what "I" want to and have wanted to accomplish in my life for Christ! The more I read the scriptures - including Colossians - and ponder on this - I realize that this desire to "accomplish" things for Christ is a problem! It is not me who accomplishes anything - only Him! Christ is the one who accomplishes His work! He may certainly use me - but I tend to frustrate Him by getting in the way and trying to do things myself!
I have often seen preaching as my best way to "get things done" in the Kingdom! But really, He doesn't need my preaching - He rathers desires me - for me to just yield all those dreams, ambitions, and plans to Him! He desires that I totally depend on Him! That doesn't mean I should not preach - it means that I come to it with the attitude that Christ will either speak through me or I will just be quiet! The results are up to Him - not me! The power is in Him, not me!
People around me are broken! They really are! I want to fix them! There are two reasons that I can't! One, I am broken too - and He is still working on me! Two, only Christ can fix people! When I learn to totally depend upon Christ - to rest in His awesome power - to yield results to His workings through the Holy Spirit - then it is more likelythat I will see Christ do His marvelous work!
I think of how foolish it would have been when I was a child watching my Dad work on the car, if I had nudged him out of the way and said, "Dad, let me do that! I will fix this for you!" I did not have the knowledge, the strength, the skill, or the endurance to fix the car! Daddy would have just looked at me with a "bless his little heart" look! Yet, we do the same thing with Christ every day! We "tell" Him or "show" Him how to grow His church! We "tell" Him or attempt to "show" Him how to solve our problems and the problems of others! Christ must be saying, "well, bless their hearts!"
He seeks my obedience and availabilty! He seeks my total trust and dependence! He has the rest covered! He is not missing! But we are missing Him! When will we quit trying everything under the sun and just return to trusting Him?
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