The title is a little humorous phrase that I have been seeing on various signs lately. At the catfish house where we eat from time to time, it is on a little sign you can purchase for your home or office. I smile now every time I see it!
I remember when I knew everything. Oh, I would have never just said that I did, but I pretty much believed that I did. I would listen to conversations about everything from church work to preaching to theology to politics to - well - whatever was being discussed and felt I had to speak my incredible knowledge into the circumstance.
Part of this "confidence" in one's knowledge is a function of youthfulness. Full of energy and eager to take on the world, younger men and women tend to view all those older leaders with some respect, but with the idea that if these aging folks would just get out of the way, well, we could show them a thing or two about how it is done.
A while back I went to a "up and happening" conference. Basically, I heard pretty much what I have been hearing all my life about church growth - just repackaged and presented in the latest technological stream. Everyone (mostly younger men and women) was sitting there taking notes, tweeting, blogging, and typing on their Ipads and laptops. The fun part was listening to the after session discussions. So many were still buying into the notion that the right ipad stand, presentation software, or edgy music was going to make their church the next up and coming church of note.
Here is what I've discovered after 35 years of pastoring. I know about a lot of things - but I surely don't know nearly as much as I used to know! But the few things that I do know are in areas where I desire to know much more. I know the Word of God is central to a growing church. The more the Word is proclaimed, obeyed, and allowed to speak - the better the church will be. I know that no church will be worth a plugged nickle if the people don't really pray. I know that I am prone to any sin out there. So I do not make bold proclamations that "I will never do......" you name the sin. Just, by the grace of God, I devote myself, under the Lord's leadership, to allow the Holy Spirit to convict me and deliver me from temptation. I know that churches may appear to grow by gimmicks and events and whatever the latest fad happens to be. But in reality, the Lord will grow His church if He is allowed to do so. And it will not be by my power, spirit, personality, or good looks! It will be by the mighty hand of God. I don't have to chase methods - just Him!
Also, I know that I have much to learn theologically after many years of study. The more I study the Lord, the more I learn - yet the more I realize I will never truly plumb the depths of theological knowledge. God is too great - too far beyond me to "know it all" in this life. I think many scholars, young and old, would do well to check on the spirit of their knowledge. I am amazed at how many use their knowledge in an arrogant and condescending fashion.
I'm not young enough to know everything. I'm not old enough either. For that will come in eternity when I will know even as I am known.
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