There are, by some counts, as many as 59 “one another’s” in the scripture. I believe to get to that number some of them are repeated – but that probably just serves to remind of the importance of those particular ones. The scriptures also teach us to practice hospitality. In Romans 12:10 – 13, Paul gets to it right plainly - 10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; 11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; 13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.
This year we are encouraging all our church members to be “kindly affectionate to one another,” so they may distribute to the need of the saints, being given to hospitality. I hear of many folks adopting needs and meeting them. It is exciting when members of the ABC fellowship call you and inquire about needs they desire to meet. They are indeed being given to the practice of hospitality.
Practicing hospitality is so much the example we have from Christ. Though He did not possess much by the world’s standards, we know He shared whatever He had. And He certainly gave and gave and gave of His time, His teaching, His love, His forgiveness, and His compassion. He healed the sick, sometimes raised the dead, and cast out demons as acts of generous hospitality to those who were in need. The lame walked and the blind received their sight. These were no small miracles then and would be no small miracle of grace today.
Christ’s ultimate act of hospitality was on the cross. He simply gave everything He had to give on the cross. Amazing!
In the holidays, we can never separate one from the other – Christmas has a bearing on Easter – Easter has a bearing on Christmas. Yet both holidays are centered on Christ. The hospitable Christ.
As we share and exchange gifts this Christmas, think of how powerful the church can be if every member, every individual, finds a way to give expression to hospitality in a personal way. No matter how great or how small, so much more can be done to lead people towards Christ if ALL the church practices personal hospitality. And not just for Christmas. The teaching of Romans 12 is intended to be our daily practice. Let us be given to hospitality.
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