This morning, up early, I had been reflecting on a question that I knew I had read somewhere in a book over the last few years. Finally, I did a search, found the book, got the kindle edition and bought it. It was a book by Bob Roberts on transformation in and through the church.
The question was this - "When will Jesus be enough for you?" An excerpt adaptation in the form of a blog post is HERE . The book has a whole section with suggestions on how to make sure Jesus is enough.
Back to my reflection. That question is burning in my mind right now. As Bob Roberts wrote about it, he wrote this - I realized my obsession was with what I feared and that my idols were the walls I created to protect myself from my fears. (Roberts Jr., Bob (2009-12-15). Transformation (Exponential Seried) (p. 87). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
It is easy to move to a position where Jesus is not enough! For me, it most often happens when I am stressing over church. It happens as I face my fears about church and church ministry. Our church, like many others right now, is seeing stresses financially and in attendance. It seems to be happening in spite of every effort and plea we make for faithfulness. Yet, in the midst of trying to deal with it, it comes to me that I have come to fear these difficulties - and my idols are the walls I have created to protect me from these fears. Jesus has ceased to be enough for me! I have somehow fallen prey to needing more than Jesus - I need good stats too - I need good numbers too!
All my life I have been taught that one of the number one predictors of church success is minister tenure. Generally, the longer a pastor stays, the more success you have in leadership. I don't doubt there is some truth in that - it has just not been my experience thus far. I have been second guessing myself as to whether or not I have made the right commitment because I have made no secret of the fact that I would love to invest my life ministry in my current place of service. Yet, the way has become more difficult, and for me personally, depressing. It has created a real conflict in my heart as to whether or not I have misunderstood the Lord in this.
Right now we are experiencing the first real downturn in the normal measurements of an SBC church in the nearly 10 years I have been here. By now, I would have thought we would have long ago passed the 400 or even 500 mark in Sunday School! As I have reflected on what else I can "do" to turn things around in that direction, the question haunts me - "Is Jesus enough for me?"
Having "done" nearly everything I know to do - I think I have discovered part of the problem that I can address as well as discovering the part of the problem that I can't address! The part that I can address is that if 400 or 500 or 600 hundred showed up next week, after a while, it would not be enough for me! And that is because Jesus has not been enough for me! My problem is that I so badly want to "fix" whatever I perceive is wrong with the church, that I am trying to do what only Christ can to - change the heart. Instead of trusting Jesus to change lives, I am trying hard to help Him! Pretty foolish, huh? So, I am having to undergo the painful process of letting go of the church idol! My success is not its success! My success is obedience to Christ - nothing more or less! My success is allowing Him to be enough for me! Bob Roberts, writing the previously mentioned book, reminded me that nearly all of the people found in the Hebrews 11 hall of fame of faith, never saw their promise fulfilled, but accepted it by faith. They were satisfied with the promise of God's faithfulness. For me, that means Jesus must be enough for me - or nothing else will be! This is the part I can work on.
The part I can't do anything about is the indifference of people. At some point, people just have to decide for themselves that Jesus is worth following! I can only preach Jesus and the truth, love people, and try to get the church to focus on those who are not yet in the Kingdom of God. According to the Old Testament, the Lord is not constrained to save by many or by few, so I suppose He can do a great work with the few who are faithful.
This does not mean I no longer care if 5 or 500 are present. But it does mean that I can only minister to the people who show up - pray for those who don't - and focus on those who will perish without Christ, for they are truly in peril! And Christ will have to build His church! He promised He would, so I need to get pretty busy giving it back to Him! If you are my friend or one of our church members, I would urge you to pray for me to return to the reality of Jesus being enough for me!
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