Well, I suppose it does matter a great deal to some! However, one might need also to define church a bit! The true church consists of the "called out ones!" The church is comprised of truly born from above followers of Christ! And those followers are the church!
Then there is church "gathered!" That is the "church" the majority of folks think about when they think of "the church!" That church has an institutional organization component! Sometimes, that institutional part overwhelms the "living church of God" part! But, I like to think of it simply as "the church gathered" on Sundays and other appointed times - and scattered out in the world to be salt and light the remainder of the time!
Back to the question - why doesn't church matter that much anymore? To me, it is a foregone conclusion that the phrasing of the question is valid! I just read an article by Jim Elliff with which I largely agree. YOU CAN READ IT HERE I believe he is "dead on" in his assessment that in our Southern Baptist Churches, we have become a largely unregenerate people! Just to be sure everyone knows what that means - it means we have a lot of unsaved people who are members of our churches!
I would encourage you to read his article (link above) and I will not rehash it all here! However, one of the many excellent points that he makes is that among the saved, loving the brothers and sisters in Christ is one of the marks of a child of God! 1 John makes this ABUNDANTLY plain! Yet, among our churches, our people can hardly be bothered to attend a service of worship with their brothers and sisters in Christ!
Our roll call of people at ABC is just like the vast majority of other churches - we have around 800 on our roster - but on any given Sunday, no more than half attend! Of those that attend, many of them are "platooners," meaning that they are there on random Sundays - maybe once or twice a month! And then if you start looking to see how many of the half are involved in any meaningful, measurable, or accountable way in the ministry of the Kingdom, the number drops below 20% of the half that attend - not 20% of the 800!
These numbers sicken me - as they do most pastors I know and a good number of the 20%! They sicken me for several reasons! First, instead of being convicted and demonstrating repentance among the membership of our churches, we have just accepted that this is how it is - and we have even trumpeted it as a growth method! That's right, we have at times pushed the concept of enrolling as many people as we can to get a higher attendance - knowing that we will still have half or less attend! God does not accept it- so neither should we!
Second, I believe strongly that it means many people are lost who believe they are saved! It is a non-Biblical type of salvation - a "salvation" that is devoid of a life transformation - that allows the holder to continue to live a life that is largely like every person in society - unregenerate! The shock of this reality will be seen too late by 99.9% of this group!
Thirdly, I am sickened over our (my) lack of action related to this crisis! The topic is surely not a popular one in our churches. People get pretty worked up when you start talking about removing our non-attending roster to a prospect list to hear the Gospel!
The unsaved population of our churches accounts for the lack of power in the church - the lack of new birth - many of the financial struggles - and most certainly the lack of holy living! Instead of being a force of the Gospel in the world - we have simply adopted the world culture into our churches.
I have great friends and leaders in the SBC whom I respect who still seem optimistic that churches can change and transition into spirit-filled churches of largely regenerate members! I want to believe them! Yet, I also have great friends who, having struggled against this mostly unyielding problem, scrapped it all and started over with a new church! Certainly those new churches have their own struggles - but they are started with high accountability and clear and careful membership requirements. The attempt is made to insure as much as possible that people make informed decisions for Jesus Christ and experience ongoing life transformation! People simply are not allowed to be members if they are not involved in both church and personal ministry!
A frustrated pastor said on one occasion that a lot of ministerial burnout happens because ministers spend most of their time trying to get unsaved people to act like children of God! I suppose that depending on the church and the people, that statement will be more or less true! I can certainly attest to the fact that dealing with this problem can make one cynical! Yet, the problem is very real and very eternally deadly!
Elliff had some great suggestions regarding solutions for the existing church! One thing I would emphasize is that we must begin to pray for God to restore His church! We must all be revived in Spirit - and become unwilling to accept a cheap grace and easy believism as substitutes for true salvation that brings brothers and sisters together for the cause of knowing Christ and making Him known.
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